At Kumar Mess as we strongly believe that food is medicine, we ensure that all our spices are hand-picked with care and use only freshly ground masalas to retain their medicinal properties even when we mix them to achieve a complex blend of well-balanced flavours.

Oil is an essential element in cooking. Our choice to use pressed ground nut oil over refined sun flower oil helps us preserve and provide the goodness of the traditional ‘Marachekku Ennai’ to our customers. Not only does it contribute to the flavour and texture of our dishes, it also fairs as the healthier choice.

Tamil Nadu is famous for its deep belief that serving food is synonymous with service to humanity and it is our sole intention to keep contributing to this belief. The combination of our freshly ground spices with fresh water fishes, the tender meat of chicken, goat, crab or prawns tastes best with our rice delicacies and flat breads we have to offer and makes for quite an unforgettable gastronomic experience.

We are actively known for making the softest idlis from the beginning of our journey until now. We have maintained and in fact elevated the quality in our ingredients and preparation processes that help in retaining every bit of taste and softness.